Maintenance workpiece: Tailings pump guard jacket,tailings pump guard plate,tailings pump impeller
Material: High chrome alloy.
The condition before repairing: perforation scrap part.
The repairing difficulties: There is no sealing ring between guard plate and guard jacket of this pump,it depends on taper for sealing completely,the accuracy requirement is very high.
Material selection: BD7012 super wear resistant coating,BD426T special undercoat,cast iron welding rod,thin steel plate,self paint spraying
Construction tools: angle grinder,wire brush,grinding wheel,plaster knife,plastic knife,rubber hammer,special rounding tools,hair brush,electronic scale,iodine-tungsten lamp,welding machine.
Auxiliary materials: cleaning agent,duster cloth,gloves.
Construction technology:
1.Clean up and polish pending-repair workpiece on the needing-repair part.
2.Configure BD426T special undercoat and brush coating on the pending-repair part,then wait for the primer curing,when the temperature is low,can heat it up to promote the primer curing.
3.Configure BD7012 super abrasion resistant coatings and make it be coating on the pending-repair part,knock on it to be compacted with rubber hammer,then trim the surface with special rounding tools,make the surface be flat and smooth.
4.Curing for 24 hours,the temperature requirement of BD7012 wear resistant coating curing is not high,even though the temperature is below zero,it can also be normal curing.
5.Smear a layer of BD426T on the surface as the topcoat after BD7012 wear resistant coating curing.
6.Polish it to be the original size with angle grinder.
7.Spray coating the self paint spraying on the surface.
Material utilization amount: 30Kg BD7012 super wear resistant coatings, 1Kg BD426T special undercoat.